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- R.A. Sheldon and J.K. Kochi, Photochemical and Thermal Reduction of Cerium(IV) Carboxylates, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 90, 6688 (1968).
- J.K. Kochi, R.A. Sheldon and S.S. Lande, Rates of Photochemical and Thermal Decarboxylation of Acids by Lead(IV), Tetrahedron, 25, 1197 (1969).
- R.A. Sheldon and J.K. Kochi, Thermal Decomposition of some tert-Alkylperoxy Oxalates, J. Org. Chem., 35, 1223 (1970).
- R.A. Sheldon and J.K. Kochi, Pair Production and Cage Reactions of Alkyl Radicals in Solution, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 92, 4395 (1970).
- R.A Sheldon and J.K. Kochi, Photolysis of Peresters-reactions of Alkoxy-alkyl Radicals Pairs in Solution, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 92, 5175 (1970).
- R.A. Sheldon, Mechanism of Initiation of Cumene Autoxidation by Pd(O) Complexes, Chem. Commun., 1971, 788.
- R.A. Sheldon and J.K. Kochi, Oxidative Decarboxylation of Acids by Lead Tetraacetate (a review), Org. Reactions, Volume 19, 1972, pp. 279-421.
- R.A. Sheldon and J.K. Kochi, Metal Catalyzed Oxidations of Organic Compounds in the Liquid Phase (a review), Oxidation and Combustion Reviews, 5, 135-242 (1972).
- R.A. Sheldon, Molybdenum-catalyzed Epoxidation of Olefins with Alkyl Hydroperoxides I. Kinetic and Product Studies, Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 92, 253 (1973).
- R.A. Sheldon, Molybdenum-catalyzed Epoxidation of Olefins with Alkyl Hydroperoxides II. Isolation and Structure of the Catalyst, Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 92, 367 (1973).
- R.A. Sheldon and J.A. van Doorn, Observation by PMR Spectroscopy of the Intermediate Alkoxycarbonium Ions in the Acid Catalyzed Decomposition of Organic Hydroperoxides, Tetrahedron Lett., 1973, 1021.
- R.A. Sheldon and J.A. van Doorn, Metal-catalyzed Epoxidation of Olefins with Organic Hydroperoxides I. A Comparison of Various Metal Catalysts, J. Catal., 31, 427 (1973).
- R.A. Sheldon, J.A. van Doorn, C.W.A. Schram and A.J. de Jong, Metal-catalyzed Epoxidation of Olefins with Organic Hydroperoxides II. The Effect of Solvent and Hydroperoxide Structure, J. Catal., 31, 438 (1973).
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- R.A Sheldon and J.A van Doorn, Cycloaddition of Group VIII Metal Dioxygen Complexes to Electrophilic Olefins, J. Organometal. Chem., 94, 115 (1975).
- R.A. Sheldon and J.K. Kochi, Metal-catalyzed Oxidation of Organic Compounds in the Liquid Phase, a Mechanistic Approach (a review), Adv. in Catal., 1976, pp. 272-413.
- R.A. Sheldon, Synthetic and Mechanistic Aspects of Metal-catalyzed Epoxidations with Hydroperoxides, J. Mol. Catal., 7, 107 (1980).
- R.A. Sheldon, New Catalytic Methods for Selective Oxidation, J. Mol. Catal., 20, 1 (1983).
- R.A. Sheldon, Catalytic Oxidations in Organic Synthesis, Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg., 94, 651-670 (1985).
- R.A. Sheldon, Catalytic Oxidation and Fine Chemicals, Catal. Today, 1, 351-355 (1987).
- M. Kloosterman, V.H.M. Elferink, J. van Iersel, J.H. Roskam, E.M. Meijer, L.A. Hulshof and R.A. Sheldon, Lipases in the Preparation of ß-blockers, Trends Biotechnol., 6, 251 (1988).
- H.L. Aalten, G. van Koten, D.M. Grove, T. Kuilman, O.G. Piekstra, L.A. Hulshof and R.A. Sheldon, The Copper-catalyzed Reaction of Sodium Methoxide with Aryl Bromides. A Mechanistic Study Leading to a Facile Synthesis of Anisole Derivatives, Tetrahedon, 45, 5565-5578 (1989).
- R.A. Sheldon, Catalytic Oxidations in the Manufacture of Fine Chemicals, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 55, 1-32 (1990).
- R.A. Sheldon, The Industrial Synthesis of Pure Enantiomers, Chem. Ind. (London), 212-219 (1990).
- R.A. Sheldon, Industrial Synthesis of Chiral Compounds. Isolating the Required Isomer, Specialty Chemicals, February 1990, pp. 30-45.
- R.A. Sheldon, The Industrial Synthesis of Pure Enantiomers, Drug Information Journal, 24, 129-139 (1990)
- A. Bruggink, L.A. Hulshof and R.A. Sheldon, Industrial Scale Resolutions of Racemates, Pharmaceutical Manufacturing International, 1990, pp. 139-146.
- R.A. Sheldon, H.J.M. Zeegers, J.P.M. Houbiers and L.A. Hulshof, The Synthesis of Angiotensin-converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors, Chimica Oggi, (Chemistry Today) 9, May 1991, pp. 35-47.
- R.A. Sheldon, L.A. Hulshof, A. Bruggink, F.J.J. Leusen, A.D. van der Haest and H. Wynberg, Crystallization Techniques for the Industrial Synthesis of Pure Enantiomers, Chimica Oggi, (Chemistry Today), 9, July/August 1991, pp. 23-29.
- R.A. Sheldon and J.M. Sobczak, Catalytic Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Cyclohexene, J. Mol. Catal., 68, 1-6 (1991).
- C.H.H. Emons, B.F.M. Kuster, J.A.J.M. Vekemans and R.A. Sheldon, A New Convient Method for the Synthesis of Chiral C3 Synthons, Tetrahedron: Asymm., 2, 359-362 (1991).
- R.A. Sheldon, Fine Chemicals by Catalytic Oxidation, CHEMTECH, 566-579 (1991).
- R.A. Sheldon, Industrial Catalytic Oxidations: an Overview, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 66, 573-594 (1991).
- R.A. Sheldon, Heterogeneous Catalytic Oxidation and Fine Chemicals, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal., 59, 33-54 (1991).
- R.A. Sheldon, Switch to Catalysis for Fine Chemicals Manufacture, Chem. Eng. Progr., December 1991, pp. 11-12.
- R.A. Sheldon, Designing Economic Chiral Syntheses, Manufacturing Chemist, London, U.K., 1992, pp. 127-133.
- R.A. Sheldon and J. Dakka, TS-1 Catalyzed Selective Oxidation of 1,2-Diols with H2O2, in: "DGMK Berichte, Proceedings of the DGMK-Conference Selective Oxidations in Petrochemistry", Goslar, Germany, September 16-18, 1992, M. Baerns and J. Weitkamp (Eds.), 1992, pp. 215-225.
- C.H.H. Emons, B.F.M. Kuster, J.A.J.M. Vekemans and R.A. Sheldon, Synthesis of Chiral Synthons via Catalytic Conversions of Carbohydrate Feedstocks, Chimica Oggi, November/December 1992, 59-65.
- R.A. Sheldon, Organic Synthesis - Past, Present and Future, Chem. & Ind., December 7, 1992, 903-906.
- R.A. Sheldon, Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalytic Oxidations with Peroxide Reagents, Topics Curr. Chem. 164, 1993, pp. 21-43.
- J.D. Chen, J. Dakka, E. Neeleman and R.A. Sheldon, Chromium-substituted Aluminophosphate-5: a Recyclable Catalyst for the Selective Oxidation of Secondary Alcohols, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1993, 1379-1380.
- M.C. de Zoete, F. van Rantwijk, L. Maat and R.A. Sheldon, Selective oxidation of penicillin G with hydrogen peroxide and with enzymatically generated peroxyoctanoic acid, Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 112 (1993) 462-463.
- R.A. Sheldon and J. Dakka, TS-1 catalyzed selective oxidation of 1,2-diols with H2O2, Erdöl, Erdgas, Kohle 12 (1993) 520-522.
- M.C. de Zoete, A.C. Kock-van Dalen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon, Ester ammoniolysis: a new enzymatic reaction, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1993, 1831-1832.
- J.D. Chen, J. Dakka and R.A. Sheldon, Selective decomposition of cyclohexyl hydroperoxide to cyclohexanone catalyzed by chromium aluminophosphate-5, Appl. Catal. A: General 108 (1994) L1-L6.
- R.A. Sheldon and J. Dakka, Heterogeneous catalytic oxidations in the manufacture of fine chemicals, Catal. Today 19 (1994) 215-246.
- R.A. Sheldon, Consider the environmental quotient, CHEMTECH, March 1994, 38-47.
- R.A. Sheldon, J.D. Chen, J. Dakka and E. Neeleman, Redox molecular sieves: recyclable catalysts for liquid phase oxidations, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 83 (1994) 407-416.
- R.A. Sheldon, J.D. Chen, J. Dakka and E. Neeleman, Redox molecular sieves as heterogeneous catalysts for liquid phase oxidations, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 82 (1994) 515-529.
- J.D. Chen, M.J. Haanepen, J.H.C. van Hooff and R.A. Sheldon, CrAPO-catalyzed oxidations of alkylaromatics and alcohols with TBHP in the liquid phase (redox molecular sieves, part 8), Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 84 (1994) 973-980.
- T. Sato, J. Dakka and R.A. Sheldon, Ti substituted beta(Ti-ß) catalyzed selective epoxidation of 1-octene with hydrogen peroxide, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 84 (1994) 1853-1860.
- M.P.J. van Deurzen, B.W. Groen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon, A simple purification method for chloroperoxidase and its use in organic media, Biocatal. 10 (1994) 247-255.
- A.T.J.W. de Goede, M. van Oosterom, M.P.J. van Deurzen, R.A. Sheldon, H. van Bekkum and F. van Rantwijk, Selective lipase-catalyzed esterification of alkyl glycosides, Biocatal. 9 (1994) 145-155.
- M.C. de Zoete, A.C. Kock-van Dalen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon, A new enzymatic reaction: enzyme catalyzed ammonolysis of carboxylic esters, Biocatal. 10 (1994) 307-316.
- S.J.H.F. Arts, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon, Oxidation of methyl 4,6-O-isopropylidene-a-D-glucopyranoside as a model compound for starch, J. Carbohydr. Chem. 13 (1994) 851-857.
- T. Sato, J. Dakka and R.A. Sheldon, Titanium-substituted zeolite beta(Ti-Al-ß)-catalysed epoxidation of oct-1-ene with tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP), J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. (1994) 1887-1888.
- G. Papadogianakis, L. Maat and R.A. Sheldon, Catalytic conversions in water. Part I: A novel carbonylation reaction catalysed by palladium trisulfonated triphenylphosphine complexes, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1994, 2659-2660.
- M.C. de Zoete, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon, Lipase-catalyzed transformations with unnatural acyl acceptors, Catal. Today 22 (1994) 563-590.
- M. Woudenberg-van Oosterom, C. Vitry, J.M.A. Baas, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon, The regioselectivity of the lipase-catalyzed acylation of 1,6-anhydro-ß-D-glycopyranoses, J. Carbohydr. Chem. 14 (1995) 237-246.
- J.D. Chen, H.E.B. Lempers and R.A. Sheldon, Synthesis, characterization and catalysis in liquid phase benzylic oxidations of chromium substituted silicalite-1, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 92 (1995) 75-80.
- J.D. Chen and R.A. Sheldon, Selective oxidation of hydrocarbons with O2 over chromium aluminophosphate-5 molecular sieve, J. Catal. 153 (1995) 1-8.
- G.A. Barf and R.A. Sheldon, Ruthenium(II) 2-(phenylazo)pyridine complexes as epoxidation catalysts, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 98 (1995) 143-146.
- O.V. Manoilova, J. Dakka, R.A. Sheldon and A.A. Tsyganenko, Infrared study of Ti-containing zeolites using CO as a probe molecule, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 94 (1995) 163-170.
- G. Papadogianakis, J.A. Peters, L. Maat and R.A. Sheldon, Catalytic conversions in water. 17O, {1H}31P and 35Cl NMR study of a novel stoichiometric redox reaction between PdC12, tppts and H2O, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. 1995, 1105-1106.
- M.C. de Zoete, A.A. Ouwehand, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon, Enzymatic ammoniolysis of amino acid derivatives, Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 114 (1995) 171-174.
- J.A. Elings, R.S. Downing and R.A. Sheldon, Zeolite-catalysed Claisen rearrangement of allyl aryl ethers, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 94 (1995) 487-494.
- H.E.B. Lempers, J.D. Chen and R.A. Sheldon, Selective decomposition of cyclohexenyl hydroperoxide to 2-cyclohexen-1-one catalyzed by chromium substituted molecular sieves, Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 94 (1995) 705-712.
- J.M. Gnaim and R.A. Sheldon, Highly regioselective ortho-chlorination of phenol with sulfuryl chloride in the presence of amines, Tetrahedron Lett. 36 (1995) 3893-3896.
- G.A. Barf and R.A. Sheldon, Ruthenium catalyzed epoxidations: mechanistic and synthetic aspects, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 102 (1995) 23-39.
- T. Tarnai, A. Tungler, T. Máthé, J. Petró, R.A. Sheldon and G. Tóth, A new chiral auxiliary in enantioselective hydrogenations: (-)-dihydrovinpocetine. Part I. Hydrogenation of isophorone, J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 102 (1995) 41-47.
- A. Tungler, T. Máthé, T. Tarnai, K. Fodor, G. Tóth, J. Kajtár, I. Kolossváry, B. Herényi and R.A. Sheldon, (-)-Dihydro-apovincaminic acid ethyl ester, preparation and use as a chiral modifier in enantioselective heterogeneous catalytic hydrogenations, Tetrahedron: Asymm. 6 (1995) 2395-2402.
- J.D. Chen, H.E.B. Lempers and R.A. Sheldon Ti-Al-ß and CrAPO-5 as heterogeneous catalysts for selective oxidations in the liquid phase Colloids Surf., A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 101 (1995) 137-146.
- E.J. Creyghton, J.A. Elings, R.S. Downing, R.A. Sheldon and H. van Bekkum New multifunctional probe for testing outer surface activity of zeolites: application to surface-located platinum clusters and acid sites Microporous Mater. 5 (1996) 299-307.
- R.A. Sheldon Homogeneous catalysts to solid catalysts Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. 1 (1996) 101-106.
- M. Woudenberg-van Oosterom, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Regioselective acylation of disaccharides in tert-butyl alcohol catalyzed by Candida antarctica lipase Biotechnol. Bioeng. 49 (1996) 328-333.
- G. Papadogianakis and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic conversions in water: environmentally attractive processes employing water soluble transition metal complexes New J. Chem. 20 (1996) 175-185.
- J. le Bars, J. Dakka and R.A. Sheldon Ammoximation of cyclohexanone and hydroxyaromatic ketones over titanium molecular sieves Appl. Catal. A: General 136 (1996) 69-80
- S.J.H.F. Arts, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Oxidation studies of carbohydrates using molecular oxygen and a bismuth-ruthenium oxide catalyst J. Carbohydr. Chem. 15 (1996) 317-329
- J.D. Chen, H.E.B. Lempers and R.A. Sheldon Synthesis, characterization and catalytic oxidation of alcohols with chromium-substituted aluminophosphates J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 92 (1996) 1807-1813
- R.A. Sheldon Selective catalytic synthesis of fine chemicals: opportunities and trends J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 107 (1996) 75-83
- A. Tungler, T. Máthé, K. Fodor, R.A. Sheldon and P. Gallezot A new chiral auxiliary in enantioselective hydrogenations: (-)-dihydrovinpocetine. Hydrogenation of ethyl pyruvate. II J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 108 (1996) 145-151
- M.C. de Zoete, A.C. Kock-van Dalen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Lipase-catalysed ammoniolysis of lipids. A facile synthesis of fatty acid amides J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 1 (1996) 109-113 and J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 2 (1996) 141-145 (erratum)
- R.A. Sheldon Chirotechnology: Designing economic chiral syntheses J. Chem. Tech. Biotechnol. 67 (1996) 1-14
- H.E.B. Lempers and R.A. Sheldon Allylic oxidation of olefins to the corresponding a,ß-unsaturated ketones catalyzed by chromium aluminophosphate-5 Appl. Catal. A: General 143 (1996) 137-143
- R.A. Sheldon Biocatalytic vs chemical synthesis of enantiomerically pure compounds Chimia 50 (1996) 418-419
- G.A. Barf, D. van den Hoek and R.A. Sheldon Ruthenium-catalyzed epoxidation of unfunctionalized olefins with tert-butyl hydroperoxide Tetrahedron 52 (1996) 12971-12978
- M.C. de Zoete, A.C. Kock-van Dalen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon A new enzymatic one-pot procedure for the synthesis of carboxylic amides from carboxylic acids J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 2 (1996) 19-25
- M.P.J. van Deurzen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Synthesis of substituted oxindoles by chloroperoxidase catalyzed oxidation of indoles J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 2 (1996) 33-42
- J.A. Elings, R.S. Downing and R.A. Sheldon Solid catalysts for hydroxyalkylation of aromatics with epoxides. Intermolecular hydroxyalkylation versus intramolecular hydroxyalkylation Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 105 (1997) 1125-1132
- J.A. Elings, H.E.B. Lempers and R.A. Sheldon Zeolite-catalysed rearrangement of isophorone oxide Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 105 (1997) 1165-1172
- H.E.B. Lempers and R.A. Sheldon The stability of chromium molecular sieves under the conditions of liquid phase oxidations with tert-butyl hydroperoxides Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 105 (1997) 1061-1068
- H.E.B. Lempers, M.J. van Crey and R.A. Sheldon Molybdenum-catalyzed epoxidations of oct-1-ene and cyclohexene with organic hydroperoxides: steric effects of the alkyl substituents of the hydroperoxide on the reaction rate Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 115 (1996) 542-546.
- M. Woudenberg-van Oosterom, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Chemoenzymatic synthesis of 6-O-alkanoyl-N-alkylgluconamides Fett/Lipid 98 (1996) 390-393.
- S.K. Rakovsky, R.A. Sheldon and F. van Rantwijk Carbohydrate ozonation. Selective cleavage of the 2,3 C-C bond in carbohydrates Oxid. Commun. 19 (1996) 482-498
- M.C. de Zoete, A.C. Kock-van Dalen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Ammonolysis of carboxylic esters catalyzed by lipases. Synthesis of fatty acid amides in: Enzyme Engineering XIII, eds. J.S. Dordick and A.J. Russell, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 799 (1996) 346-350
- R.A. Sheldon Catalysis and pollution prevention Chem. Ind. 1 (1997) 12-15
- G. Papadogianakis, L. Maat and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic conversions in water. Part 4. Carbonylation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and benzyl alcohol catalysed by palladium trisulfonated triphenylphosphine complexes J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 116 (1997) 179-190
- M.P.J. van Deurzen, I.J. Remkes, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Chloroperoxidase catalyzed oxidations in t-butyl alcohol/water mixtures J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 117 (1997) 329-337
- R.A. Sheldon Catalysis: the key to waste minimization J. Chem. Tech. Biotechnol. 68 (1997) 381-388
- R. Sercheli, A.L.B. Ferreira, M.C. Guerreiro, R.M. Vargas, R.A. Sheldon and U. Schuchardt Encapsulation of N,N',N"-tricyclohexylguanine in hydrophobic zeolite Y: synthesis and catalytic activity Tetrahedron Lett. 38 (1997) 1325-1328
- M.P.J. van Deurzen, K. Seelbach, F. van Rantwijk, U. Kragl and R.A. Sheldon Chloroperoxidase: use of a hydrogen peroxide-stat for controlling reactions and improving enzyme performance Biocatal. Biotransform. 15 (1997) 1-16
- G.J. Meuzelaar, M.C.A. van Vliet, E. Neeleman, L. Maat and R.A. Sheldon Synthesis of ?-unsaturated enamides by N-acylation of imines derived from ?-unsaturated amines Liebigs Ann./Recueil 1997, 1159-1163
- M.P.J. van Deurzen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Chloroperoxidase-catalyzed oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural J. Carbohydr. Chem. 16 (1997) 299-309
- I.W.C.E. Arends, R.A. Sheldon, M. Wallau and U. Schuchardt Oxidative transformations of organic compounds mediated by redox molecular sieves Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 36 (1997) 1144-1163
- G.J. Meuzelaar, L. Maat, R.A. Sheldon and I.V. Kozhevnikov Heteropoly acid-catalyzed Diels-Alder reactions Catal. Lett. 45 (1997) 249-251
- A. Tungler, K. Fodor, T. Máthé and R.A. Sheldon Enantioselective hydrogenation of ethyl pyruvate and isophorone over modified Pt and Pd catalysts Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 108 (1997) 157-165
- R.A. Sheldon, I.V. Babich and Y.V. Plyuto The rational design of a Cr/AlPO4-5 molecular sieve Mendeleev Commun. 1997, 94-96
- S.J.H.F. Arts, E.J.M. Mombarg, H. van Bekkum and R.A. Sheldon Hydrogen peroxide and oxygen in catalytic oxidation of carbohydrates and related compounds Synthesis 6 (1997) 597-613
- K. Seelbach, M.P.J. van Deurzen, F. van Rantwijk, R.A. Sheldon and U. Kragl Improvement of the total turnover number and space-time yield for chloroperoxidase catalyzed oxidation Biotechnol. Bioeng. 55 (1997) 283-288
- M.C.A. van Vliet, G.J. Meuzelaar, J. Bras, L. Maat and R.A. Sheldon A convenient synthesis of ?,d-unsaturated N-formylenamines by Wittig alkenylation of ?,d-unsaturated diformamides Liebigs Ann./Recl. (1997) 1989-1995
- G. Papadogianakis, L. Maat and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic conversions in water: Part 5. Carbonylation of 1-(4- isobutylphenyl)ethanol to ibuprofen catalysed by water-soluble palladium- phosphine complexes in a two-phase system J. Chem. Tech. Biotechnol. 70 (1997) 83-91.
- G. Papadogianakis, G. Verspui, L. Maat and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic conversions in water. Part 6. A novel biphasic hydrocarboxylation of olefins catalyzed by palladium TPPTS complexes (TPPTS = P(C6H4-m-SO3Na)3) Catal. Lett. 47 (1997) 43-46
- M.P.J. van Deurzen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Selective oxidations catalyzed by peroxidases Tetrahedron 53 (1997) 13183-13220
- R.A. Sheldon Redox molecular sieves as heterogeneous catalysts for liquid phase oxidations Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 110 (1997) 151-175
- H.E.B. Lempers and R.A. Sheldon Metal-catalyzed oxidations with alkyl hydroperoxides: a comparison between tert-butyl hydroperoxide and pinane hydroperoxide Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 110 (1997) 557-566
- M. van Klaveren and R.A. Sheldon On the way to redox-molecular sieves as multifunctional solid catalysts for the one-step conversion of olefins to aldehydes or ketones Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 110 (1997) 567-576
- I.W.C.E. Arends, M. Pellizon Birelli and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic oxidations with biomimetic vanadium systems Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 110 (1997) 1031-1040
- R.S. Downing, H. van Bekkum and R.A. Sheldon Zeolites and related materials for the solid-acid catalyzed production of fine chemicals. A view from Delft Cattech 2 (1997) 95-109
- E.I. Klabunovskii and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic approaches to the asymmetric synthesis of beta-hydroxy esters Cattech 2 (1997) 153-160
- V. Svedas, D. Guranda, L. van Langen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Kinetic study of penicillin acylase from Alcaligenes faecalis FEBS Letters 417 (1997) 414-418.
- G. Verspui, G. Papadogianakis and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic conversions in water. Part 9. High activity of the Pd/dpppr-s/Brønsted acid system in the alternating copolymerization of ethene and carbon monoxide {dpppr-s = C3H6-1,3-(P(C6H4-m-SO3Na)2)2} Chem. Commun. (1998) 401-402
- H.E.B. Lempers, A. Ripollès i Garcia and R.A. Sheldon Metal-catalyzed oxidations with pinane hydroperoxide: a mechanistic probe to distinguish between oxometal and peroxometal pathways J. Org. Chem. 63 (1998) 1408-1413.
- H.E.B. Lempers and R.A. Sheldon The stability of chromium in CrAPO-5, CrAPO-11 and CrS-1 during liquid phase oxidations J. Catal. 175 (1998) 62-69.
- G. Papadogianakis, L. Maat and R.A. Sheldon Tris[tris(sodium m-sulfonatophenyl)phosphino]palladium(O) enneahydrate Inorg. Synth. 32 (1998) 25-29
- S.J.H.F. Arts, J.A. Peters and R.A. Sheldon Preparation of (2R,4R,6R,8R)-1,9-dihydroxy-3,5,7-trioxanonane-2,4,6,8-tetra-carboxylic acid and its complexation with lanthanide(III) cations, as studied by multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy Inorg. Chem. 37 (1998) 2400-2404
- R.A. Sheldon, I.W.C.E. Arends and H.E.B. Lempers Liquid phase oxidation at metal ions and complexes in constrained environments Catal. Today 41 (1998) 387-407
- R.A. Sheldon, M. Wallau, I.W.C.E. Arends and U. Schuchardt Heterogeneous catalysts for liquid-phase oxidations: philosophers’ stones or Trojan horses? Acc. Chem. Res. 31 (1998) 485-493.
- F. van de Velde, L. Könemann, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Enantioselective sulfoxidation mediated by vanadium-incorporated phytase: a hydrolase acting as a peroxidase Chem. Commun. 1998, 1891-1892
- G. Verspui, G. Papadogianakis and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic conversions in water, part 8: Carbonylation and hydrocarboxylation reactions catalyzed by palladium trisulfonated triphenylphosphine complexes Catal. Today 42 (1998) 449-458
- R.A. Sheldon, J.A. Elings, S.K. Lee, H.E.B. Lempers and R.S. Downing Zeolite-catalysed rearrangements in organic synthesis J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 134 (1998) 129-135
- M. Woudenberg-van Oosterom, H.J.A. van Belle, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Immobilised ß-galactosidases and their use in galactoside synthesis J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 134 (1998) 267-274
- M.A.P.J. Hacking, M.A. Wegman, J. Rops, F. van Rantwijk, R.A. Sheldon, Enantioselective synthesis of amino acid amides via enzymatic ammoniolysis of amino acid esters J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 5 (1998) 155-157
- G.J. Meuzelaar, E. Neeleman, L. Maat and R.A. Sheldon A novel synthesis of substituted 1-benzyloctahydroisoquinolines via acid-catalyzed cyclization of N-[2-(Cyclohex-1-enyl)ethyl]-N-styrylformamides Eur. J. Org. Chem. 10 (1998) 2101-2108.
- G.-J. ten Brink, I.W.C.E. Arends, G. Papadogianakis and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic conversions in water, Part 10. Aerobic oxidation of terminal olefins to methyl ketones catalysed by water soluble palladium complexes Chem. Commun. (1998) 2359-2360.
- R.A. Sheldon, I.W.C.E. Arends and H.E.B. Lempers Activities and stabilities of redox molecular sieve catalysts in liquid phase oxidations. A review Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 63 (1998) 1724-1742
- G.J. Meuzelaar, L. Maat and R.A. Sheldon Diels-Alder reactions of carbonyl-containing dienophiles catalyzed by tungstophosphoric acid supported on silica gel Catal. Lett. 56 (1998) 49-51
- F. van Rantwijk, A.C. Kock-van Dalen and R.A. Sheldon Stabilisation of lipases for activity in ammoniolysis in Stability and stabilization of biocatalysts, A. Ballasteros, F.J. Plou, J.L. Iborra, P. Halling (eds.) Elsevier (1998) 447-452.
- G. Farkas, K. Fodor, A. Tungler, T. Máthé, G. Tóth and R.A. Sheldon New chiral auxiliaries in enantioselective heterogeneous catalytic hydrogenations: (-)- and (+)-dihydro-apovincaminic acid. Comparison with (-)-dihydro-apovincaminic acid ethyl ester. III J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 138 (1999) 123-127
- G.J. Meuzelaar, A. Blom, L. Maat and R.A. Sheldon Unprecedented formation of a benzo[d]azepine by acid-catalyzed cyclization of a camphor-derived N-formylenamine Eur. J. Org. Chem. (1999) 519-522
- M.C.A. van Vliet, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Perfluoroheptadecan-9-one: a selective and reusable catalyst for epoxidations with hydrogen peroxide Chem. Commun. (1999) 263-264
- Y.V. Plyuto, I.V. Babich and R.A. Sheldon AlPO4-5 molecular sieve modified with Cr(acac)3 Appl. Surf. Sci. 140 (1999) 176-181
- G.J. Meuzelaar, L. Maat and R.A. Sheldon Synthesis of benzyl substituted tetrahydropyridines and 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-isoquinolines via acid catalyzed cyclization of ?,d-unsaturated N-formyl-N-styryl amines Tetrahedron 55 (1999) 4481-4489
- R. Schoevaart, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Class I fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolases as catalysts for asymmetric aldol reactions Tetrahedron: Asymm. 10 (1999) 705-711
- J.A. Elings, R.S. Downing and R.A. Sheldon Cyclialkylation of aralkyl epoxides with solid acid catalysts Eur. J. Org. Chem. (1999) 837-846
- A.W. Heinen, G. Papadogianakis, R.A. Sheldon, J.A. Peters and H. van Bekkum Factors effecting the hydrogenation of fructose with a water soluble Ru-TPPTS complex. A comparison between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 142 (1999) 17-26
- F. van de Velde, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Selective oxidations with molecular oxygen, catalyzed by CPO in the presence of a reductant. J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 6 (1999) 453-461
- M.C.A. van Vliet, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Methyltrioxorhenium-catalysed epoxidation of alkenes in trifluoroethanol Chem. Commun. (1999) 821-822
- F. van Rantwijk, M. Woudenberg-van Oosterom and R.A. Sheldon Glycosidase-catalysed synthesis of alkyl glycosides J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 6 (1999) 511-532
- M.A. Wegman, M.A.P.J. Hacking, J. Rops, P. Pereira, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Dynamic kinetic resolution of phenylglycine esters via Lipase-catalysed ammonolysis Tetrahedron: Asymm. 10 (1999) 1739-1750
- M.C.A. van Vliet, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Tertiary arsine oxides: active and selective catalysts for epoxidation with hydrogen peroxide Tetrahedron Lett. 40 (1999) 5239-5242
- L.M. van Langen, E. de Vroom, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Enzymatic synthesis of ß-lactam antibiotics by penicillin-G acylase in frozen media FEBS Letters 456 (1999) 89-92
- A. Dijksman, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Efficient ruthenium-TEMPO-catalysed aerobic oxidation of aliphatic alcohols into aldehydes and ketones Chem. Commun. 16 (1999) 1591-1592
- G.J. Meuzelaar, M.C.A. van Vliet, L. Maat and R.A. Sheldon Chemistry of Opium Alkaloids, 45. Improvements in the Total Synthesis of Morphine, Eur. J. Org. Chem. (1999) 2315-2321.
- G.A. Verspui, I.I. Moiseev and R.A. Sheldon Reaction intermediates in the Pd/tppts catalyzed aqueous phase hydrocarboxylation of olefins monitored by NMR spectroscopy (tppts = P(C6H4-m-SO3Na)3) (Part 12) J. Organometallic Chem. 586 (1999) 196-199.
- G.A. Verspui, J. Feiken, G. Papadogianakos and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic conversions in water, part 11: Highly active water-soluble palladium-catalysts in the hydrocarboxylation of olefins and the alternating copolymerization of CO and olefins in water J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 146 (1999) 299-307
- R.A. Sheldon and R.S. Downing Heterogeneous catalytic transformations for environmentally friendly production Appl. Catal. A: General 189 (1999) 163-183
- G.A. Verspui, G.J. ten Brink and R.A. Sheldon Organometallic catalysis in aqueous biphasic media Chemtracts - Org. Chem. 12 (1999) 777-796
- R. Sercheli, R.M. Vargas, R.A. Sheldon and U. Schuchardt Guanidines encapsulated in zeolite Y and anchored to MCM-41: synthesis and catalytic activity J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 148 (1999) 173-181
- R. Schoevaart, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Carbohydrates from glycerol: an enzymatic four-step one pot synthesis Chem. Commun.1999, 2465-2466
- K. Fodor, S.G.A. Kolmschot and R.A. Sheldon Heterogeneous enantioselective catalysis: state of the art Enantiomer 4 (1999) 497-511
- F. van de Velde, L. Könemann, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon The rational design of semi-synthetic peroxidases Biotechnol. Bioeng. 67 (2000) 87-96
- M.C.A. van Vliet, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Rhenium catalysed epoxidations with hydrogen peroxide: tertiary arsines as effective cocatalysts J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1 (2000) 377-380
- A. Dijksman, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Polymer immobilised TEMPO (PIPO): an efficient catalyst for the chlorinated hydrocarbon solvent- and bromide-free oxidation of alcohols with hypochlorite Chem. Commun. (2000) 271-272
- G.A. Verspui, F. Schanssema and R.A. Sheldon A stable, conspicuously active, water-soluble Pd catalyst for the alternating copolymerization of ethene and CO in water Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 39 (2000) 804-806.
- G.J. ten Brink, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Green, catalytic oxidations of alcohols in water Science 287 (2000) 1636-1639
- M.A.P.J. Hacking, H. Akkus, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Lipase and esterase-catalyzed acylation of hetero-substituted nitrogen nucleophiles in water and organic solvents Biotechnol. Bioeng. 68 (2000) 84-91
- G.J. ten Brink, I.W.C.E. Arends, G. Papadogianakis and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic conversions in water, Part 13. Aerobic oxidation of olefins to methyl ketones catalysed by a water soluble palladium complex - mechanistic investigations Appl. Catal. A: General 194-195 (2000) 435-442
- R.A. Sheldon, I.W.C.E. Arends and A. Dijksman New developments in catalytic alcohol oxidations for fine chemicals synthesis Catal. Today 57 (2000) 157-166.
- M.A.P.J. Hacking, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Lipase catalyzed synthesis of diacyl hydrazines: an indirect method for kinetic resolution of chiral acids J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 9 (2000) 183-191
- M.A.P.J. Hacking, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Lipase catalysed reactions of aliphatic and arylaliphatic carbonic acid esters J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 9 (2000) 201-208
- G.A. Verspui, F. Schanssema and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic conversions in water, Part 14: The alternating copolymerization of ethene and CO catalyzed by water-soluble Pd catalysts Appl. Catal. A 198 (2000) 5-11
- L.M. van Langen, F. van Rantwijk, V.K. Švedas and R.A. Sheldon Penicillin acylase-catalyzed peptide synthesis: a chemo-enzymatic route to stereoisomers of 3,6-diphenylpiperazine-2,5-dione Tetrahedron: Asymm. 11 (2000) 1077-1083
- L. Cao, F. van Rantwijk, R.A. Sheldon Cross-linked enzyme aggregates: a simple and effective method for the immobilization of penicillin acylase Org. Lett. 2 (2000) 1361-1364.
- M. Bakker, A.S. Spruijt, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Highly enantioselective aminoacylase-catalyzed transesterification of secondary alcohols Tetrahedron: Asymm. 11 (2000) 1801-1808
- J.A. Elings, H.E.B. Lempers and R.A. Sheldon Solid-acid catalysed rearrangement of cyclic, a,ß-epoxy ketones Eur. J. Org. Chem. (2000) 1905-1911
- F. van de Velde, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Biocatalytic and biomimetic oxidations with vanadium J. Inorg. Biochem 80 (2000) 81-89
- F. van de Velde, N.D. Lourenço, M. Bakker, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Improved operational stability of peroxidases by coimmobilization with glucose oxidase Biotechnol. Bioeng. 69 (2000) 286-291
- F. van Rantwijk, M.A.P.J. Hacking and R.A. Sheldon Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of carboxylic amides: nitrogen nucleophiles as acyl acceptor Monatshefte für Chemie/Chemical Monthly 131 (2000) 549-569
- G. Verspui, G. Elbertse, F.A. Sheldon, M.A.P.J. Hacking and R.A. Sheldon Selective hydroformylation of N-allylacetamide in an inverted aqueous two-phase catalytic system, enabling a short synthesis of melatonin Chem. Commun. (2000) 1363-1364
- M.I. Youshko, L.M van Langen, E. de Vroom, H.M. Moody, F. van Rantwijk, R.A. Sheldon and V.K. Švedas Penicillin acylase-catalyzed synthesis of ampicillin in “aqueous solution-precipitate” systems. High substrate concentration and supersaturation effect J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 10 (2000) 509-515
- F. van de Velde, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Vanadium-catalysed enantioselective sulfoxidations: rational design of biocatalytic and biomimetic systems Top. Catal. 13 (3) (2000) 259-265
- M. Bakker, F. van de Velde, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Highly efficient immobilization of glycosylated enzymes into polyurethane foams Biotechnol. Bioeng. 70 (2000) 342-348
- R. Schoevaart, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Stereochemistry of non-natural aldol reactions catalyzed by DHAP aldolases Biotechnol. Bioeng. 70 (2000) 349-352
- M.A. Wegman, U. Heinemann, A. Stolz, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Stereoretentive nitrile hydratase-catalysed hydration of d-phenylglycine nitrile Org. Process Res. Dev. 4 (No. 5) (2000) 318-322
- R. Schoevaart, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon A four-step enzymatic cascade for the one-pot synthesis of non-natural carbohydrates from glycerol J. Org. Chem. 65 (2000) 6940-6943
- A. Ribera, I.W.C.E. Arends, S. de Vries, J. Pérez-Ramírez and R.A. Sheldon Preparation, characterization, and performance of FeZSM-5 for the selective oxidation of benzene to phenol with N2O J. Catal. 195 (2000) 287-297
- R.A. Sheldon Atom efficiency and catalysis in organic synthesis Pure and Appl. Chem. 72 (2000) 1233-1246
- U. Hanefeld, Y. Li, R.A. Sheldon and Th. Maschmeyer CAL-B Catalyzed enantioselective synthesis of cyanohydrins - a facile route to versatile building blocks Synlett 12 (2000) 1775-1776
- R.A. Sheldon Atom efficient catalytic methods for fine chemicals Russ. Chem. J. 44 (2) (2000) 9-20
- F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Selective oxygen transfer catalysed by heme peroxidases: synthetic and mechanistic aspects Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 11 (2000) 554-564
- R.A. Sheldon Atom utilisation, E factors and the catalytic solution C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Série IIc, Chimie/Chemistry 3 (2000) 541-551
- L.M. van Langen, N.H.P. Oosthoek, D.T. Guranda, F. van Rantwijk, V.K. Švedas and R.A. Sheldon Penicillin acylase-catalyzed resolution of amines in aqueous organic solvents Tetrahedron: Asymm. 11 (2000) 4593-4600
- R. Madeira Lau, F. van Rantwijk, K.R. Seddon and R.A. Sheldon Lipase-catalyzed reactions in ionic liquids Org. Lett. 2 (2000) 4189-4191
- F. van de Velde, F. van Rantwijk, R.A. Sheldon Improving the catalytic performance of peroxidases in organic synthesis Trends Biotechnol. 19 (2) (2001) 73-80
- A. Dijksman, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon A comparison of the activity of polymer immobilised TEMPO (PIPO) with MCM-41 and silica supported TEMPO as heterogeneous catalysts for the oxidation of alcohols Synlett 1 (2001) 102-104
- G.J. ten Brink, B.C.M. Fernandes, M.C.A. van Vliet, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Selenium catalysed oxidations with aqueous hydrogen peroxide: Part I: Epoxidation reactions in homogeneous solution J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1 (2001) 224-228
- M.A. Wegman, U. Heinemann, F. van Rantwijk, A. Stolz and R.A. Sheldon Hydrolysis of D,L-phenylglycine nitrile by new bacterial cultures J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 11 (2001) 249-253
- M.A.P.J. Hacking, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Lipase catalysed acylation of hydroxylamine and hydrazine derivarives J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 11 (2001) 315-321
- M. Bakker, A.S. Spruijt, F. van de Velde, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Enantioselective transesterification of secondary alcohols mediated by aminoacylases from Aspergillus species J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 11 (2001) 373-376
- L. Cao, L.M. van Langen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Cross-linked aggregates of penicillin acylase: robust catalysts for the synthesis of ß-lactam antibiotics J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 11 (2001) 665-670
- F. van de Velde, M. Bakker, F. van Rantwijk, G.P. Rai, L.P. Hager and R.A. Sheldon Engineering chloroperoxidase for activity and stability J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 11 (2001) 765-769
- A. Dijksman, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon The ruthenium/TEMPO-catalysed aerobic oxidation of alcohols Platinum Metals Rev. 45 (2001) 15-19
- M.C.A. van Vliet, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Fluorinated alcohols: effective solvents for uncatalysed epoxidations with aqueous hydrogen peroxide Synlett 2 (2001) 248-250
- F. van de Velde, M. Bakker, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Chloroperoxidase-catalyzed enantioselective oxidation in predominantly organic media Biotechnol. Bioeng. 72 (2001) 523-529
- G. Verspui, G. Elbertse, G. Papadogianakis and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic conversions in water. Part 19. Smooth hydroformylation of N-allylacetamide in mono- and biphasic aqueous media J. Organometal. Chem. 621 (1-2) (2001) 337-343
- P. López-Serrano, J.A. Jongejan, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Enantioselective acylation of a-aminonitriles catalysed by Candida antarctica lipase. An unexpected turnover-related racemisation Tetrahedron: Asymm. 12 (2001) 219-228
- P. López-Serrano, M.A. Wegman, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Enantioselective enzyme catalysed ammoniolysis of amino acid derivatives. Effect of temperature Tetrahedron: Asymm. 12 (2001) 235-240
- D. Mandelli, M.C.A. van Vliet, U. Arnold, R.A. Sheldon and U. Schuchardt Epoxidation of alkenes with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by ReO4-SiO2.Al2O3 and ReO4-Al2O3 J. Mol. Catal. A 168 (2001) 165-171
- M.A. Wegman, J.M. Elzinga, E. Neeleman, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Salt-free esterification of a-amino acids catalysed by zeolite H-USY Green Chem. 3 (02) (2001) 61-64
- M.I. Youshko, L.M. van Langen, E. de Vroom, F. van Rantwijk, R.A. Sheldon and V.K. Švedas Highly efficient synthesis of ampicillin in an Aaqueous solution-precipitate@ system: Repetitive addition of substrates in a semicontinuous process Biotechnol. Bioeng. 73 (2001) 426-430
- G.J. ten Brink, J.M. Vis, I.W.C.E. Arends and RA Sheldon Selenium catalyzed oxidations with aqueous hydrogen peroxide. 2. Baeyer-Villiger reactions in homogeneous solution J. Org. Chem. 66 (2001) 2429-2433
- I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Activities and stabilities of heterogeneous catalysts in selective liquid phase oxidations: recent developments Appl. Catal. A: General 212 (2001) 175-187.
- R. Schoevaart, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Facile enzymatic aldol reactions with dihydroxyacetone in the presence of arsenate J. Org. Chem. 66 (2001) 4559-4562
- A. Dijksman, A. Marino-González, A. Mairata i Payeras, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Efficient and Selective Aerobic Oxidation of Alcohols into Aldehydes and Ketones using Ruthenium/TEMPO as Catalytic System J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123 (2001) 6826-6833.
- M.C.A. van Vliet, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Hexafluoroacetone in hexafluoro-2-propanol: a highly active medium for epoxidation with aqueous hydrogen peroxide Synlett 8 (2001) 1305-1307
- A. Conesa, F. van de Velde, F. van Rantwijk, R.A. Sheldon, C.A.M.J.J. van den Hondel and P.J. Punt Expression of the Caldariomyces fumago chloroperoxidase in Aspergillus niger and characterization of the recombinant enzyme J. Biol. Chem. 276 (2001) 17635-17640
- G. Verspui, G. Besenyei and R. A. Sheldon Amide directed hydrocarboxylation of N-allylacetamide catalyzed by the aqueous Pd-tppts-Brønsted acid system (tppts=P(C6H4-m-SO3Na)3). Can. J. Chem. 79 (2001) 688-692
- D.T. Guranda, L.M. van Langen, F. van Rantwijk, R.A. Sheldon and V.K. Švedas Highly efficient and enantioselective enzymatic acylation of amines in an aqueous medium Tetrahedron: Asymm. 12 (2001) 1645-1650
- M.A. Wegman, M.H.A. Janssen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Towards biocatalytic synthesis of ß-lactam antibiotics (review) Adv. Synth. Catal. 343 (2001) 559-576
- D. Mandelli, M.C.A. van Viet, R.A. Sheldon and U. Schuchardt Alumina-catalyzed alkene epoxidation with hydrogen peroxide Appl. Catal. A 219 (2001) 209-213
- M.C.A. van Vliet, D. Mandelli, I.W.C.E. Arends, U. Schuchardt and R.A. Sheldon Alumina: a cheap, active and selective catalyst for epoxidations with (aqueous) hydrogen peroxide
- R.A. Sheldon Catalytic reactions in ionic liquids Green Chem. 3 (2001) 243-246 Chem. Commun., Feature Article 2001, 2399-2407
- .M. van Langen, E. de Vroom, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Enzymatic coupling using a mixture of side chain donors affords a greener process for ampicillin Green Chem. 3 (2001) 316-319
- M.I. Youshho, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Enantioselective acylation of chiral amines catalysed by aminoacylase I Tetrahedron: Asymm. 12 (2001) 3267-3271
- L. Gonsalvi, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Highly efficient use of NaOCl in the Ru-catalysed oxidation of aliphatic ethers to esters Chem. Commun. 2002, 202-203
- I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Recent developments in selective catalytic epoxidations with H2O2 Top. Catal. 19 (1) (2002) 133-141
- M.H.A. Janssen, L.M. van Langen, S.R.M. Pereira, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Evaluation of the performance of immobilized penicillin G acylase using active-site titration Biotechnol. Bioeng. 78 (2002) 425-432
- R.A. Sheldon, R. Madeira Lau, M.J. Sorgedrager, F. van Rantwijk and K.R. Seddon Biocatalysis in ionic liquids Green Chem. 4 (2002) 147-151
- M.I. Youshko, L.M. van Langen, E. de Vroom, F. van Rantwijk, R.A. Sheldon and V.K. Švedas Penicillin acylase-catalyzed ampicillin synthesis using a pH gradient: a new approach to optimization Biotechnol. Bioeng. 78 (5) (2002) 589-593
- G.J. ten Brink, J.M. Vis, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Selenium Catalysed Oxidations with Aqueous Hydrogen Peroxide. Part 3. Oxidation of carbonyl compounds under Mono/Bi/Triphasic Conditions Tetrahedron 58 (2002) 3977-3983
- L.M. van Langen, M.H.A. Janssen, N.H.P. Oosthoek, S.R.M. Pereira, V.K. Švedas, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Active site titration as a tool for the evaluation of immobilized pencillin acylase Biotechnol. Bioeng. 79 (2002) 224-228
- L. Gonsalvi, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Selective ruthenium-catalyzed oxidation of 1,2:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-?-D-fructopyranose and other alcohols with NaOCl Org. Lett. 4 (10) (2002) 1659-1661
- M.A. Wegman, L.M. van Langen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon A two-step-one-pot synthesis of cephalexin from D-phenylglycine nitrile Biotechnol. Bioeng. 79 (3) (2002) 356-361
- G.J. ten Brink, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic conversions in water. Part 21: Mechanistic investigations in the palladium-catalysed aerobic oxidation of alcohols in water Adv. Synth. Catal. 344 (3-4) (2002) 355-369
- M. Bakker, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Metal substitution in thermolysin. Catalytic properties of tungstate thermolysin in sulfoxidation with H2O2 Can. J. Chem. 80 (2002) 622-625
- A. Dijksman, J.M. Elzinga, Yu-Xin Li, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Efficient ruthenium-catalyzed racemization of secondary alcohols: Application to dynamic kinetic resolution Tetrahedron: Asymm. 13 (2002) 879-884
- H.E.B. Lempers, R.A. Sheldon and K.A.D. Swift Stereoselectivity in the Fe(II)/Cu(II)-mediated homolytic decomposition of the cis- and trans-isomers of pinane hydroperoxide Chem. Lett. 2002, 830-831
- P. López-Serrano, L. Cao, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Cross-linked enzyme aggregates with enhanced activity: application to lipases Biotechnol. Lett. 24 (2002) 1379-1383
- Q. Liu, Z. Zhang, H. Bo and R.A. Sheldon Direct separation of the enantiomers of cetirizine and related compounds by reversed-phase chiral HPLC Chromatographia 56 (3/4) (2002) 233-235
- R.A. Sheldon, I.W.C.E. Arends, G.J. ten Brink and A. Dijksman Green, catalytic oxidations of alcohols Acc. Chem. Res. 35 (2002) 774-781
- H.M. Hultman, M. de Lang, M. Nowotny, I.W.C.E. Arends, U. Hanefeld, R.A. Sheldon and T. Maschmeyer Chiral dirhodium catalysts confined in porous hosts Stud. Surf. Sci. Catal. 143 (2002) 277-285
- W-H. Sun, C. Shao, Y. Chen, H. Hu, R.A. Sheldon, H. Wang, X. Leng and X. Jin Controllable supramolecular assembly by ?-? interactions: Cobalt(II) and copper(II) complexes with benzimidazole derivatives Organometallics 21 (2002) 4350-4355
- I.W.C.E. Arends, M. Sasidharan, A. Kühnle, M. Duda, C. Jost and R.A. Sheldon Selective catalytic oxidation of cyclohexylbenzene to cyclohexylbenzene-1-hydroperoxide: a coproduct-free route to phenol Tetrahedron 58 (2002) 9055-9061
- F. van Rantwijk, R. Madeira Lau and R.A. Sheldon Biocatalytic transformations in ionic liquids Trends Biotechnol. 21 (3) (2003) 131-138
- G.J. ten Brink, I.W.C.E. Arends, M. Hoogenraad, G. Verspui and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic conversions in water. Part 22: Electronic effects in the (diimine)palladium(II)- catalysed aerobic oxidation of alcohols Adv. Synth. Catal. 345 (2003) 497-505
- H.M. Hultman, M. de Lang, M. Nowotny, I.W.C.E. Arends, U. Hanefeld, R.A. Sheldon and T. Maschmeyer Chiral catalysts confined in porous hosts. Part 1: Synthesis J. Catal. 217 (2) (2003) 264-274
- H.M. Hultman, M. de Lang, I.W.C.E. Arends, U. Hanefeld, R.A. Sheldon and T. Maschmeyer Chiral catalysts confined in porous hosts. Part 2: Catalysis J. Catal. 217 (2) (2003) 275-283
- X. Baucherel, I.W.C.E. Arends, S. Ellwood and R.A. Sheldon A new catalytic system for the selective aerobic oxidation of large ring cycloalkanes to ketones Org. Process Res. Dev. (OPRD) 7 (3) (2003) 426-428
- L.M. van Langen, N.H.P. Oosthoek, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Pencillin acylase catalysed synthesis of ampicillin in hydrophilic organic solvents Adv. Synth. Catal. 345 (2003) 797-801
- L. Cao, L.M. van Langen and R.A. Sheldon Immobilised enzymes: carrier-bound or carrier-free? Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 14 (2003) 387-394
- P. Gamez, I.W.C.E. Arends, J. Reedijk and R.A. Sheldon Copper(II)-catalysed aerobic oxidation of primary alcohols to aldehydes Chem. Commun. 19 (2003) 2414-2415
- A. Dijksman, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon Cu(II)-Nitroxyl radicals as catalytic galactose oxidase mimics Org. Biomol. Chem. 1 (16) (2003) 3232-3237
- R.A. Sheldon, R. Schoevaart and L.M. van Langen CLEAs: An effective technique for enzyme immobilisation Speciality Chemicals Magazine, July/August 2003, 40-42 (ISSN 0262-2262, DMG World Media)
- A.Y. Khimiuk, A.V. Korennykh, L.M. van Langen, F. van Rantwijk, R.A. Sheldon and V.K. Švedas Penicillin acylase-catalyzed peptide synthesis in aqueous medium: a chemo-enzymatic route to stereoisomerically pure diketopiperazines Tetrahedron: Asymm. 14 (2003) 3123-3128
- M.L. Bode, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Crude aminoacylase from Aspergillus sp. is a mixture of hydrolases Biotechnol. Bioeng. 84 (6) (2003) 710-713
- L.M. van Langen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Enzymatic hydrocyanation of a sterically hindered aldehyde. Optimization of a chemoenzymatic procedure for (R)-2-chloromandelic acid Org. Process Res. Dev. 7 (2003) 828-831
- G.J. ten Brink, I.W.C.E. Arends, M. Hoogenraad, G. Verspui and R.A. Sheldon Catalytic conversions in water. Part 23: Steric effects and increased substrate scope in the palladium-neocuproine catalyzed aerobic oxidation of alcohols in aqueous solvents Adv. Synth. Catal. 345 (2003) 1341-1352
- L. Gonsalvi, I.W.C.E. Arends, P. Moilanen and R.A. Sheldon The effect of pH control on the selective ruthenium-catalyzed oxidation of ethers and alcohols with NaOCl Adv. Synth. Catal. 345 (2003) 1321-1328
- F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Enantioselective acylation of chiral amines catalysed by serine hydrolases Tetrahedron 60 (2004) 501-519 (Tetrahedron report number 665)
- D. Brady, A. Beeton, J. Zeevaart, C. Kgaje, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Characterisation of nitrilase and nitrile hydratase biocatalytic systems Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 64 (2004) 76-85.
- X. Baucherel, L. Gonsalvi, I.W.C.E. Arends, S. Ellwood and R.A. Sheldon Aerobic oxidation of cycloalkanes, alcohols and ethylbenzene catalyzed by the novel carbon radical chain promoter NHS (N-hydroxysaccharin) Adv. Synth. Catal. 346 (2004) 286-296
- R.A. Sheldon and F. van Rantwijk Biocatalysis for sustainable organic synthesis Aust. J. Chem. 57 (2004) 281-289
- M.J. Sorgedrager, R. Malpique, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Lipase catalysed resolution of nitro aldol adducts Tetrahedron: Asymm. 15 (2004) 1295-1299
- C. Mateo, J.M. Palomo, L.M. van Langen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon A new, mild cross-linking methodology to prepare cross-linked enzyme aggregates Biotechnol. Bioeng. 86 (2004) 273-276
- A.R. Overweg, M.W.J. Crajé, A.M. van der Kraan, I.W.C.E. Arends, A. Ribera and R.A. Sheldon Remarkable N2 affinity of a steam-activated FeZSM-5 catalyst: A 57Fe Mössbauer study J. Catal. 223 (2004) 262-270
- P. Gamez, I.W.C.E. Arends, R.A. Sheldon and J. Reedijk Room temperature aerobic copper-catalysed selective oxidation of primary alcohols to aldehydes Adv. Synth. Catal. 346 (2004) 805-811
- M.I. Youshko, L.M. van Langen, R.A. Sheldon and V.K. Svedas Application of aminoacylase I to the enantioselective resolution of ?-amino acid esters and amides Tetrahedron: Asymm. 15 (2004) 1933-1936
- R. Schoevaart, M.W. Wolbers, M. Golubovic, M. Ottens, A.P.G. Kieboom, F. van Rantwijk, L.A.M. van der Wielen, R.A. Sheldon Preparation, optimization and structures of cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs) Biotechnol. Bioeng. 87 (6) (2004) 754-762
- R.A. Sheldon and I.W.C.E. Arends Organocatalytic Oxidations Mediated by Nitroxyl Radicals Adv. Synth. Catal. 346 (9/10) (2004) 1051-1071
- R. Madeira Lau, M.J. Sorgedrager, G. Carrea, F. van Rantwijk, F. Secundo and R.A. Sheldon Dissolution of Candida antarctica lipase B in ionic liquids: effects on structure and activity Green Chem. 6 (2004) 483-487
- D.T. Guranda, A.I. Khimiuk, L.M. van Langen, F. van Rantwijk, R.A. Sheldon, V.K. Svedas An “easy-on, easy-off” protecting group for the enzymatic resolution of (±)-1-phenylethylamine in an aqueous medium Tetrahedron: Asymm. 15 (18) (2004) 2901-2906
- T.A. Shcherbakova, A.V. Korennykh, L.M. van Langen, R.A. Sheldon and V.K. Svedas Use of high acyl donor concentrations leads to penicillin acylase inactivation in the course of peptide synthesis J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 31 (2004) 63-65.
- J.M. Gnaim and R.A. Sheldon Selective ortho-chlorination of phenol using sulfuryl chloride in the presence of t-butylaminomethyl polystyrene as a heterogeneous amine catalyst Tetrahedron Lett. 45 (46) (2004) 8471-8473
- C. Simons, U. Hanefeld, I.W.C.E. Arends, R.A. Sheldon and T. Maschmeyer Noncovalent anchoring of asymmetric hydrogenation catalysts on a new mesoporous aluminosilicate: Application and solvent effects Chem. Eur. J. 10 (2004) 5829-5835
- G.J. ten Brink, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon The Baeyer-Villiger reaction. New developments towards greener procedures Chem. Rev. 104 (9) (2004) 4105-4123
- Q. Liu, Z. Zhang, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Osmium-catalyzed asymmetric dihydroxylation of olefins in ionic liquids: The effect of the chiral ligand structure on recyclability J. Mol. Catal. A 224 (1-2) (2004) 213-216
- J.M. Gnaim and R.A. Sheldon Shape-selective para-chlorination of phenol using sulfuryl chloride with the aid of microporous catalysts Tetrahedron Lett. 45 (2004) 9397-9399
- C. Simons, U. Hanefeld, I.W.C.E. Arends, A.J. Minnaard, T. Maschmeyer and R.A. Sheldon Efficient immobilisation of Rh-MonoPhos on the aluminosilicate AlTUD-1 Chem. Commun, 2004, 2830 – 2831.
- Qingbin Liu, M.H.A. Janssen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Room-temperature ionic liquids that dissolve carbohydrates in high concentrations Green Chem. 7 (2005) 39-42
- L.M. van Langen, R.P. Selassa, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Cross-linked aggregates of R-oxynitrilase: a stable, recyclable biocatalyst for enantioselective hydrocyanation Org. Lett. 7 (2) (2005) 327-329
- M.C. Kroon, A. Shariati, M. Costantini, J. van Spronsen, G.J. Witkamp, R.A. Sheldon and C.J. Peters High-pressure phase behavior of systems with ionic liquids: Part V. The binary system carbon dioxide + 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate J. Chem. Eng. Data 50 (2005) 173-176
- R. Schoevaart, A. Siebum, F. van Rantwijk, R. Sheldon and T. Kieboom Glutaraldehyde cross-link analogues from carbohydrates Starch/Stärke 57 (2005) 161-165
- T. Hubregtse, E. Neeleman, Th. Maschmeyer, R.A. Sheldon, U. Hanefeld and I.W.C.E. Arends The first enantioselective synthesis of the amavadin ligand and its complexation to vanadium J. Inorg. Biochem. 99 (5) (2005) 1264-1267
- R.A. Sheldon Green solvents for sustainable organic synthesis: State of the art Green Chem. 7 (5) (2005) 267-278
- A.I. Kallenberg, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Immobilization of penicillin G acylase: the key to optimum performance Adv. Synth. Catal. 347 (7/8) (2005) 905-926
- J.M. Gnaim and R.A. Sheldon Regioselective bromination of aromatic compounds with Br2/SO2Cl2 over microporous catalysts Tetrahedron Lett. 46 (26) (2005) 4465-4468
- R.A. Sheldon, R. Schoevaart and L.M. van Langen Cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs): a novel and versatile method for enzyme immobilization (a review) Biocatalysis & Biotransformation 23 (3/4) (2005) 141-147.
- C. Mateo, B. Fernandes, F. van Rantwijk, A. Stolz and R.A. Sheldon Stabilisation of oxygen-labile nitrilases via co-aggregation with poly(ethyleneimine) J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 38 (2006) 154-157
- Q. Liu, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Synthesis and application of dicationic ionic liquids J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 81 (2006) 401-405
- Maaike C. Kroon, Jaap van Spronsen, Cor J. Peters, Roger A. Sheldon and Geert-Jan Witkamp Recovery of pure products from ionic liquids using supercritical carbon dioxide as a co-solvent in extractions or as an anti-solvent in precipitations Green Chemistry 8 (2006) 246-249
- F. van Rantwijk, F. Secundo and R.A. Sheldon Structure and activity of Candida antarctica lipase B in ionic liquids Green Chemistry 8 (2006) 282-286
- C. Mateo, A. Chmura, S. Rustler, F. van Rantwijk, A. Stolz and R.A. Sheldon Synthesis of enantiomerically pure (S)-mandelic acid using an oxynitrilase-nitrilase bienzymatic cascade: a nitrilase surprisingly shows nitrile hydratase activity Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 17 (2006) 320-323
- C. Simons, U. Hanefeld, I.W.C.E. Arends, Th. Maschmeyer and R.A. Sheldon A one-pot enantioselective chemo-enzymatic synthesis of amino acids in water Adv. Synth. Catal. 348 (4-5) (2006) 471-475
- C. Simons, U. Hanefeld, I.W.C.E. Arends, Th. Maschmeyer and R.A. Sheldon Comparison of supports for the electrostatic immobilisation of asymmetric homogeneous catalysts J. Catal. 239 (2006) 212-219
- Roger A. Sheldon and Isabel W. C. E. Arends Catalytic oxidations mediated by metal ions and nitroxyl radicals J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 251 (1-2) (2006) 200-214
- I.W.C.E. Arends, G.J. ten Brink and R.A. Sheldon Palladium-neocuproine catalyzed aerobic oxidation of alcohols in aqueous solvents J. Mol. Catal. A: Chemical 251 (1-2) (2006) 246-254.
- I.W.C.E. Arends, Y.X. Li, R. Ausan and R.A. Sheldon Comparison of TEMPO and its derivatives as mediators in laccase catalysed oxidation of alcohols Tetrahedron 62 (2006) 6659-6665
- F.L. Cabirol, U. Hanefeld and R.A. Sheldon Immobilized hydroxynitrile lyases for enantioselective synthesis of cyanohydrins: sol-gels and cross-linked enzyme aggregates Adv. Synth. Catal. 348 (2006) 1645-1654
- A. Chmura, G.M. van der Kraan, F. Kielar, L.M. van Langen, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Cross-linked aggregates of the hydroxynitrile lyase from Manihot esculenta: highly active and robust biocatalysts Adv. Synth. Catal. 348 (2006) 1655-1661
- H.R. Hobbs, B. Kondor, P. Stephenson, R.A. Sheldon, N.R. Thomas and M. Poliakoff Continuous kinetic resolution catalysed by cross-linked enzyme aggregates, “CLEAs” in supercritical CO2 Green Chem. 8 (2006) 816-821.
- C. Simons, U. Hanefeld, I.W.C.E. Arends, Th. Maschmeyer and R.A. Sheldon Towards catalytic cascade reactions: asymmetric synthesis using combined chemo-enzymatic catalysts Topics in Catalysis 40 (104) 35-44
- B.C.M. Fernandes, C. Mateo, C. Kiziak, A. Chmura, J. Wacker, F. van Rantwijk, A. Stolz and R.A. Sheldon Nitrile hydratase activity of a recombinant nitrilase Adv. Synth. Catal. 348 (2006) 2597-2603
- .W.C.E.Arends, Y.X.Li and R.A.Sheldon Stabilities and rates in the laccase/TEMPO-catalyzed oxidation of alcohols Biocat. Biotrans. 24 (2006) 443-448
- R.A.Sheldon, M.J.Sorgedrager and M.H.A.Janssen Use of cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs) for performing Biotransformations Chim. oggi-Chemistry Today 25(1)(2007), 48-52.
- A.Ruiz Toral, A.P. de los Rios, F.J.Hernandez, M.H.A.Janssen, W.R.K. Schoevaart, F van Rantwijk and R.A.Sheldon Cross-linked Candida antarctica lipase B is active in denaturing ionic liquids. Enz.Microb.Technol. 40 (2007) 1095-1099
- D.Laurencin, R.Villanneau, A.Proust, A.D.E.Brethon, I.W.C.E.Arends, and R.A.Sheldon Relationship between structure, fluxionality and racemization activity in organometallic derivatives of polyoxometalates. Tetrahedron Asym. 18 (2007) 367-371
- R.A.Sheldon Enzyme immobilization: The quest for optimum performance Adv.Synth.Catal. 349 (2007) 1289-1307
- T.Hubregtse, H.Kooijman, A.Spek, T.Maschmeyer, R.A.Sheldon, I.W.C.E. Arends and U.Hanefeld. Study on the isomerism in meso-amavadin and an amavadin analogue. J. Inorg. Biochem. 101 (2007) 900-908
- F. van Rantwijk and R.A.Sheldon Biocatalysis in ionic liquids Chem. Revs, 107 (2007) 2757-2785
- D.Sate, M.H.A.Janssen, G.Stephens, R.A.Sheldon, K.R.Seddon and J.R.Lu Enzyme aggregation in ionic liquids as studied by dynamic light scattering and small angle neutron scattering Green Chem. 9 (2007) 859-867.
- R.J.Fox, S.C.Davis, E.C.Mundorff, L.M.Newman, V.Gavrilovic, S.K.Ma, L.M.Chung,C.Ching,S.Tam,S.Muley,J.Grate,J.Gruber,J.C.Whitman, R.A.Sheldon,and G.W.Huisman Improving catalytic function by ProSAR-driven enzyme evolution Nature biotechnology, 25 (2007) 338-344
- R.A. Sheldon, The E factor: Fifteen years on Green Chem. 9 (2007) 1273-1283
- M.J.H. Eckert, A.D.E.Brethon, Y.Li, R.A.Sheldon, and I.W.C.E.Arends, Study of the efficiency of amino-functionalized ruthenium and ruthenacycle complexes as racemization catalysts in the dynamic kinetic resolution of 1- phenylethanol Adv. Synth. Catal. 349 (2007) 2603-2609
- R.A. Sheldon Cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs): Stable and recyclable biocatalysts Biochemical Society Transactions 35 (6) (2007) 1583-1587
- I. Correia, S. Aksu, P. Adão, J. Costa Pessoa, R.A. Sheldon and I.W.C.E. Arends Vanadate substituted phytase: immobilization, structural characterization and performance for sulfoxidations Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 102 (2008) 318-329
- I. Matijosyte, I.W.C.E. Arends, R.A. Sheldon and S. de Vries Pre-steady state kinetic studies on the microsecond time scale of the laccase from Trametes versicolor Inorganica Chimica Acta 361 (2008) 1202-1206
- A. Shariati, R.A. Sheldon, G.J. Witkamp and C.J. Peters Enantioselective catalytic hydrogenation of methyl a-acetamido cinnamate in [bmim][BF4]/CO2 media Green Chemistry 10 (2008) 350-354
- F.L. Cabirol, A.E.C. Lim, U. Hanefeld, R.A. Sheldon and I.M. Lyapkalo Robust and efficient, yet uncatalyzed, synthesis of trialkylsilyl-protected cyanohydrins from ketones The Journal of Organic Chemistry 73 (2008) 2446-2449
- S. van Pelt, S. Quignard, D. Kubac, D.Y. Sorokin, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Nitrile hydratase CLEAs: The immobilization and stabilization of an industrially important enzyme Green Chemistry 10 (2008) 395-400
- H. Ismail, R. Madeira Lau, L.M. van Langen, F. van Rantwijk, V.K. Svedas and R.A. Sheldon A green, fully enzymatic procedure for amine resolution, using a lipase and a penicillin G acylase Green Chemistry 10 (2008) 415-418
- S. van Pelt, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Nitrile hydratases in synthesis Chimica Oggi/Chemistry Today 26 (3) (2008) 2-4.
- H. Ismail, R. Madeira Lau, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon Fully enzymatic resolution of chiral amines: Acylation and deacylation in the presence of Candida antarctica lipase B Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis 350 (2008) 1511-1516
- R.A. Sheldon E Factors, green chemistry and catalysis: An odyssey Chem. Commun. (2008) 3352-3365 (feature article)
- C. Simons, J.G.E. van Leeuwen, R. Stemmer, I.W.C.E. Arends, T. Maschmeyer, R.A. Sheldon and U. Hanefeld Enzyme-catalysed deprotection of N-acetyl and N-formyl amino acids J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 54 (2008) 67-71
- M.J. Sorgedrager, D. Verdoes, H. van der Meer and R.A. Sheldon Cross-linked enzyme aggregates in a membrane slurry reactor. Continuous production of 6-APA by enzymatic hydrolysis of penicillin Chimica Oggi/Chemistry Today (Focus on Biocatalysis) 26 (2008) 23-25
- M.J. Sorgedrager, F. van Rantwijk, G.W. Huisman and R.A. Sheldon Asymmetric carbonyl reductions with microbial ketoreductases Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis 350 (2008) 2322-2328
- F. Cabirol, P. Loo Tan, B. Tay, S. Cheng, U. Hanefeld and R.A. Sheldon Linum usitatissimum hydroxynitrile lyase cross-linked enzyme aggregates: a recyclable enantioselective catalyst Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 350 (2008) 2329-2338
- S. Rustler, A. Chmura, R.A. Sheldon and A. Stolz, Characterisation of the substrate specificity of the nitrile hydrolyzing system of the acidotolerant black yeast Exophiala oligosperma R1,Studies in Mycology 61 (2008) 165-174
- S. van Pelt, F. van Rantwijk and R.A. Sheldon, Synthesis of aliphatic (S)-α-hydroxycarboxylic amides using a one-pot bienzymatic cascade of immobilised oxynitrilase and nitrile hydratase, Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis 351 (2009) 397-404
- D.J. Leak, R.A. Sheldon, J.M. Woodley and P. Adlercreutz, Biocatalysts for selective introduction of oxygen, Biocatalysis and Biotransformations 27 (1) (2009) 1-26
- J.C. van der Toorn, G. Kemperman, R.A. Sheldon and I.W.C.E. Arends, Diphenyldiselenide-catalyzed selective oxidation of activated alcohols with tert-butyl hydroperoxide: new mechanistic insights, J. Org. Chem. 74 (2009) 3085-3089
- D. Perez, F. van Rantwijk and R. A. Sheldon, Cross- Linked Enzyme Aggregates of Chloroperoxidase: Synthesis, Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 351 (2009) 2133-2139
- F. L. Cabirol, A. E. C. Lim, U. Hanefeld and R. A. Sheldon, Straightforward Enzymatic Process based on HNL-CLEA Catalysis towards Cyanohydrin Derivatives, Organic Process Research & Development, 14 (2010) 114-118
- S.K. Ma, J. Gruber, C. Davis , L. Newman, D. Gray, A. Wang, J. Grate, G. W. Huisman and R. A. Sheldon, A green-by-design biocatalytic process for atorvastatin intermediate, Green Chem 2010, DOI:10.1039/b919115c.
- S.A. Tromp, I. Matijosyte, R.A. Sheldon, I.W.C.E. Arends, G. Mul, M.T. Kreutzer, J.A. Moulijn and S. de Vries, Mechanism of Laccase/TEMPO-catalyzed oxidation of benzyl alcohol,ChemCatChem 2 (2010) 827-833.
- R.A. Sheldon, Cross-linked enzyme aggregates as industrial biocatalysts, Organic Process Research & Development 15 (2011) 213-223.
- F. Šulek, D. Pérez Fernández, Ž. Knez, M. Habulin, R. A. Sheldon, Immobilization of horseradish peroxidase as crosslinked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs), Process Biochemistry 46 (2011) 765-769.
- S. van Pelt, M. Zhang, L.G. Otten, J. Holt, D.Y. Sorokin, F. van Rantwijk, G.W. Black, J.J. Perry and R.A. Sheldon, Probing the enantioselectivity of a diverse group of purified cobalt-centred nitrile hydratases, Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 9 (2011) 3011-3019.
- M.H.A. Janssen, J.F. Chesa Castellana, H. Jackman, P.J. Dunn and R.A. Sheldon, Towards greener solvents for the bleach oxidation of alcohols catalysed by stable N-oxy radicals, Green Chemistry 13 (2011) 905-912.
- R.A. Sheldon, Utilisation of biomass for sustainable fuels and chemicals: molecules, methods and metrics, Catalysis Today 167 (2011) 3-13.
- F. Kartal, M.H.A. Janssen, F. Hollmann, R.A. Sheldon and A. Kilinc, Improved esterification activity of Candida rugosa lipase in organic solvent by immobilization as cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs),J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 71 (2011) 85-89.
- S. van Pelt, R. L. M. Teeuwen, M. H. A. Janssen, R. A. Sheldon, P. J. Dunn, R. M. Howard, R. Kumar, I. Martínez and J. W. Wong, Pseudomonas stutzeri lipase: a useful biocatalyst for aminolysis reactions, Green Chem. 13 (2011) 1791-1798.
- J.C. van der Toorn, G. Kemperman, R.A. Sheldon and I.W.C.E. Arends, Studies on substituted aromatic diselenides as catalysts for selective alcohol oxidation using tert-butyl hydroperoxide,Eur. J. Org. Chem. (Iss. 23) (2011) 4345-4352.
- A.J. Kotlewksa, F. van Rantwijk, R.A. Sheldon and I.W.C.E. Arends, Epoxidation and Baeyer-Villiger oxidation using hydrogen peroxide and a lipase dissolved in ionic liquids,Green Chem. 13 (2011) 2154-2160.
- R.A. Sheldon, Characteristic features and biotechnological applications of cross-linked enzyme aggegates(CLEAs) – mini-review, Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 92 (2011) 467-477.
- R. A. Sheldon, Fundamentals of Green Chemistry: Efficiency in Reaction Design (tutorial review), Chem. Soc. Rev., 2012, DOI: 10.1039/C1CS15219J
- S. Kanbak-Aksu, M. Nahid Hasan, W. R. Hagen, F. Hollmann, D. Sordi, R. A. Sheldon and I. W. C. E. Arends, Ferritin-supported palladium nanoclusters: selective catalysts for aerobic oxidations in water, Chem. Commun., 48 (2012) 5745–5747
- A. P. de los Ríos, F. van Rantwijk and R. A. Sheldon,Effective resolution of 1-phenyl ethanol by Candida antarctica lipase B catalysed acylation with vinyl acetate in protic ionic liquids (PILs), Green Chem., 14 (2012) 1584-1588
- C. O. Tuck, E. Pérez, I. T. Horváth, R. A. Sheldon and M. Poliakoff,Valorization of Biomass: Deriving More Value from Waste, Science, 337 (2012) 695-699
- J-Q Lai, Z-L Hub, R. A. Sheldon and Z. Yang,Catalytic performance of cross-linked enzyme aggregates of Penicillium expansum lipase and their use as catalyst for enzyme aggregates of Penicillium expansum lipase and their use as catalyst for biodiesel production, Proc. Biochem. 47 (2012) 2058-2063
- A. Diaz-Rodriguez, I. Lavandera, S. Kanbak-Aksu, R. A. Sheldon, V. Gotor, V. Gotor- Fernandez, From Diols to Lactones under Aerobic Conditions using a Laccase/TEMPO Catalytic System in Aqueous Medium, Adv. Synth. Catal. 354 (2012) 3405-3408.
- G. Chavez, R. Hatti-Kaul, R. A. Sheldon and G. Mamo, Baeyer–Villiger oxidation with peracid generated in situ by CaLB-CLEA, J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic 89 (2013) 67–72
- R.A. Sheldon and S. van Pelt, Enzyme immobilisation in biocatalysis: why, what and how, Chem. Soc. Rev. 42 (2013) 6223-6235
- A. Chmura, S. Rustler, M. Paravidino, F. van Rantwijk, A. Stolz, R. A. Sheldon,The combi-CLEA approach: enzymatic cascade synthesis of enantiomerically pure (S)- mandelic acid, Tetrahedron Asymm. 24 (2013) 1225-1232.
- E. Lanfranchi, K. Steiner, A. Glieder, I. Hajnal, R. A. Sheldon, S. van Pelt, M.Winkler, Mini-Review: Recent Developments in Hydroxynitrile Lyases for Industrial Biotechnology, Rec. Pat. Biotechnol., 7 (2013) 197-206.
- R. A. Sheldon, S. van Pelt, S. Kanbak-aksu, J. Rasmussen, M. H. A. Janssen, Cross- Linked Enzyme Aggregates (CLEAs) in Organic Synthesis, Aldrichim. Acta, 46 (2013) 81-93
- G. Chavez, J-A. Rasmussen, M. Janssen, G. Mamo, R. Hatti-Kaul, R. A. Sheldon, Baeyer-Villiger Oxidation of Cyclohexanone in Aqueous Medium with In Situ Generation of Peracid Catalyzed by Perhydrolase CLEA Top. Catal. 57 (2014) 349-355.
- R. A. Sheldon, Green and sustainable manufacture of chemicals from biomass: state of the art, Green Chem. 16 (2014) 950-963.
- P.C. Pereira, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon, Robust and straightforward chemo-enzymatic enantiopure dipeptide syntheses and diketopiperazines thereof, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 25 (2014) 825-832.
- P.C. Pereira, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon, A green and expedient synthesis of enantiopure diketopiperazines via enzymatic resolution of unnatural amino acids Tetrahedron Letters 55 (2014) 4991-4993.
- R.A. Sheldon and J.P.M. Sanders, Toward concise metrics for the production of chemicals from renewable biomass, Catalysis Today 239 (2015) 3-6
- F. Roschangar, R.A. Sheldon and C.H. Senanayake, Overcoming barriers to green chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry - The green aspiration level™ concept", Green Chemistry 17 (2015) 752-768.
- J.P.M. Sanders and R.A. Sheldon, Comparison of the sustainability metrics of the petrochemical and biomass-based routes to methionine, Catalysis Today 239 (2015) 44-49.
- R.A. Sheldon, Recent advances in green catalytic oxidations of alcohols in aqueous media, Catalysis Today 247 (2015) 4-13.
- R.A. Sheldon, Biocatalysis and biomass conversion in ionic liquids, Aldrichimica Acta 48 (1) (2015) e3-e6.
- P.C. Pereira, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon, Optimizing the chloroperoxidase–glucose oxidase system: the effect of glucose oxidase on activity and enantioselectivity, Process Biochemistry 50 (2015) 746-751.
- F. Roschangar, A. Kurose and R.A. Sheldon, How green is green? Medicine Maker
- R.A. Sheldon, Engineering a more sustainable world through catalysis and green chemistry, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 13 (2016) 20160087, 1 t/m 7
- R.A. Sheldon, Green chemistry and resource efficiency: towards a green economy, Green Chemistry 18 (2016) 3180-3183.
- T. Hirashita, M. Nakanishi, T. Uchida, M. Yamamoto, S. Araki, I.W.C.E. Arends and R.A. Sheldon, Ionic TEMPO in ionic liquids: specific promotion of the aerobic oxidation of alcohols, ChemCatChem 8 (2016) 2704-2709.
- R.A. Sheldon, Green chemistry, catalysis and valorization of waste biomass, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 422 (2016) 3-12.
- R.A. Sheldon, Biocatalysis and biomass conversion in alternative reaction media Chemistry – A European Journal 22 (2016) 12984-12999.
- R. A. Sheldon, The E factor 25 years on: the rise of green chemistry and sustainability, Green Chemistry 19 (2017) 18-43.
- F. Roschangar, J. Colberg, P.J. Dunn, F. Gallou, J.D. Hayler, S.G. Koenig, M.E.Kopach, D.K. Leahy, I. Mergelsberg, J.L. Tucker, R.A. Sheldon and C.H. Senanayake, A deeper shade of green: inspiring sustainable drug manufacturing, Green Chemistry 19 (2017) 281-285.
- R.A. Sheldon and P.C. Pereira, Biocatalysis engineering: the big picture, Chemical Society Reviews 46 (2017) 2678-2691.
- R.A. Sheldon and J.M. Woodley, Role of biocatalysis in sustainable chemistry, Chemical Reviews, 118 (2) (2018) 801-838.
- E. Lanfranchi, B. Grill, Z. Raghoebar, S. van Pelt, R. A. Sheldon, K. Steiner, A. Glieder, M. Winkler, Production of hydroxynitrile lyase from Davallia tyermanii (DtHNL) in Komagataella phaffii and its immobilization as CLEA to generate a robust biocatalyst, ChemBioChem 19 (4) (2018) 312-316.
- R. A. Sheldon, Metrics of Green Chemistry and Sustainability, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6 (2018) 32-48.
- R. A. Sheldon, The Road to Biorenewables: Carbohydrates to Commodity Chemicals, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 6 (2018) 4464-4480.
- F. Roschangar,R. A. Sheldon, C. H. Senanayake, et al, Inspiring process innovation via an improved green manufacturing metric: iGAL. Green Chemistry, 20 (2018) 2206-2211.
- R. A. Sheldon, D. Brady, The limits to biocatyalysis: pushing the envelope. Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 6088-6104.
- R. A. Sheldon, Chemicals from renewable biomass: A renaissance in carbohydrate chemistry, Curr. Opin. Green Sust. Chem. 14 (2018) 89-95.
- R. A. Sheldon, D. Brady, Broadening the Scope of Biocatalysis in Sustainable Organic Synthesis, ChemSusChem, 12 (2019) 2859-2881.
- R. A. Sheldon, The Greening of Solvents: Towards Sustainable Organic Synthesis, Curr. Opin. Green Sust. Chem. 18 (2019) 13-19.
- R. A. Sheldon, CLEAs, Combi-CLEAs and 'Smart' Magnetic CLEAs: Biocatalysis in a Bio-based Economy, Catalysts, 9 (2019) 261, 1-31.
- R. A. Sheldon, Biocatalysis and biomass conversion: enabling a circular economy Phil. Trans. A 378 (2020) 20190274.
- R.A. Sheldon, D. Brady, M.L. Bode, The hitchhiker’s guide to biocatalysis: recent advances in the use of enzymes in organic synthesis. Chemical Science 11 (2020) 2587-2605
- R. A. Sheldon, Catalytic oxidation in a bio-based economy Front. Chem. 8 (2020) 132
- R. A. Sheldon and M. Norton, Green chemistry and the plastic pollution Challenge: towards a circular economy. Green Chemistry, 22 (2020) 6310-6322, 2021, article 100569
- S. G. Akakios, M. L. Bode and R. A. Sheldon, Comparing the greenness and sustainability of three routes to an HIV protease inhibitor intermediate. Green Chem. 23 (2021) 3334-3337.
- R. A. Sheldon, A. Basso, D. Brady, New frontiers in enzyme immobilisation: robust biocatalysts for a circular bio-based economy. Chem Soc Rev. 50 (2021) 5850-5862
- R. A. Sheldon, D. Brady, Streamlining Design, Engineering, and Applications of Enzymes for Sustainable Biocatalysis. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 9 (2021) 8032–8052
- R. A. Sheldon, Biocatalysis in ionic liquids: state-of-the-union, Green Chem. 23 (2021) 8406-8427.
- F. Roschangar, J. Li, Y. Zhou, W. Aelterman, A. Borovika, J. Colberg,D. P. Dickson, F. Gallou, J. D. Hayler, S. G. Koenig, M. E. Kopach, B. Kosjek, D. K. Leahy, E. O’Brien, A. G. Smith, M. Henry, J. Cook, R. A. Sheldon. Improved iGAL 2.0 Metric Empowers Pharmaceutical Scientists to Make Meaningful Contributions to United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12. ACS Sust. Chem. Eng. 10 (2022) 5148−5162
- R. A. Sheldon, M. L. Bode, S. A. G. Akakios, Metrics of Green Chemistry: Waste Minimization. Curr. Opin. Green Sust. Chem. 33 (2022) 100569.
- R. A. Sheldon, D. Brady, Green Chemistry, Biocatalysis and the Chemical Industry of the Future, ChemSusChem, (2022) article e202102628
- A. R. Alcantara, P. Dominguez de Maria, J. A. Littlechild, M. Schürmann, R. A. Sheldon. R. Wohlgemuth, Biocatalysis as Key to Sustainable Chemistry, ChemSusChem (2022) e202102709.
- X. Pei, Z. Luo, L. Qiao, Q. Ziao, P. Zhang, A. Wang, R. A. Sheldon, Putting precision and elegance into enzyme immobilization with bio-orthogonal chemistry. Chem. Soc. Rev. 51 (2022) 7281-7304
- N. P. Mathebula, R. A. Sheldon, M. L. Bode, Lipase-Catalysed Enzymatic Kinetic Resolution of Aromatic Morita-Baylis-Hillman Derivatives by Hydrolysis and Transesterification, ChemBioChem 23 (2022) 21, e202200435
- R. A. Sheldon, The E factor at 30: a Passion for Pollution Prevention, Green. Chem. 25 (2023) 1704-1728
- R.A. Sheldon, M. L.Bode, N. Mathebula, Green and sustainable solvents for biocatalytic oxidations, Curr. Opin. Green Sust. Chem. 39 (2023)100741.